On August 13, 2023, three law firms filed a class action lawsuit against Hawaiian Electric Industries (HEI) over the Maui wildfire. The lawsuit alleges that HEI's negligence caused or contributed to the wildfire, which killed at least 110 people and destroyed more than 2,700 structures.

The lawsuit claims that HEI knew or should have known that the power lines in the area were at risk of sparking a wildfire, but failed to take steps to mitigate the risk. The lawsuit also claims that HEI failed to de-energize the power lines during a High Wind Watch and Red Flag Warning, which are conditions that increase the risk of wildfires.

The lawsuit seeks damages for the plaintiffs, who include the families of the victims of the wildfire, as well as businesses and individuals who lost property in the fire. The lawsuit also seeks to prevent HEI from continuing to operate its power lines in a negligent manner.

HEI has not yet filed a response to the lawsuit. However, the company has said that it is "committed to providing safe and reliable service to our customers." HEI has also said that it is "working closely with the authorities to investigate the cause of the wildfire."

The class action lawsuit is the latest legal action against HEI over the Maui wildfire. In July 2023, the Maui County Council voted to sue HEI for damages. The council is seeking $5.6 billion in damages, which is the estimated cost of rebuilding the homes and businesses that were destroyed in the fire.

The Maui wildfire is the deadliest wildfire in Hawaii history. The fire burned for more than a week and destroyed an area of more than 10,000 acres. The fire also caused widespread power outages and forced the evacuation of thousands of people.

The class action lawsuit and the lawsuit filed by the Maui County Council are just the beginning of the legal challenges that HEI faces over the Maui wildfire. It is likely that more lawsuits will be filed in the coming months and years.